May 4, 2020
Help Me Grow Affiliate Responses to COVID-19

Help Me Grow (HMG) assists families in supporting their young children’s healthy development and helps them easily access resources in the community during times of need. In the face of a global pandemic, the HMG National Center recently surveyed HMG affiliates to learn how COVID-19 has been impacting their efforts to support families, how they are leveraging HMG to activate community response, and what resources are needed now to meet the current needs.
A total of 41 respondents, representing nearly half of the National Affiliate Network, shared ways in which their HMG system is working to address the needs of families during COVID-19.
Primary emerging trends among affiliate responses include:
Increase in calls to the HMG Centralized Access Point. Nearly 50 percent of responses to the survey identified that the HMG Centralized Access Point has seen an increase in calls in response to the conditions on COVID-19.
Connecting families to resources. As COVID-19 rapidly impacts families’ healthy economic and social well-being, HMG affiliates have reported connecting families to resources during this time.