Community Partners

Community partners play a vital role in the Help Me Grow System. Help Me Grow can support the parents and caregivers you serve and their families in getting connected to resources that will promote their health and well-being, such as developmental screenings or Basic Food applications. As well, we can connect families who call our hotlines to the resources in your community.

Learn more about the Essential Services Help Me Grow can support families with

Finding the right help is hard. We make it easier.

With our ParentHelp123 Resource Finder, the families you serve can search for basic needs, health, child development, and parenting resources that are close to home, and are the best fit for their family.

Additional Resources for Families

Here are some programs, strategies, and services that can support you with the families you serve.

Developmental Screenings

The Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) includes age-appropriate questions about different aspects of a child’s abilities including communication, movement, thinking, behavior, and emotions. It can help encourage healthy development, and also to find potential areas of concern early.

Start a Screening

Developmental Milestones

Starting at birth, children will begin to reach milestones in how they play, learn, act, and communicate. Learn more about the basics of child development and tools for parents and caregivers to make sure they are on the right track.

Learn More

Learn the Signs. Act Early

The CDC’s “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” program aims to improve early identification of children with autism and other developmental disabilities so children and families can get the services and support they need.

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Created with scientists, researchers, and parents, Vroom offers tips and tools to inspire families to turn shared, everyday moments into “Brain Building Moments.” Vroom can help the parents you serve interact and promote development, promote learning, and engage their children.

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Imagination Library

Children ages 0-5 can sign up to receive a free, high-quality book in the mail each month from Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library. Many books are available in Braille and audio format, and there are a selection of bilingual English/Spanish books as well.

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Bright by Text

This nationwide text messaging service helps parents and caregivers of children prenatal to age 8 make the most of everyday interactions. Through free tips, information, games, and resources, Bright by Text builds nurturing caregiver-child relationships, promotes healthy child development, and improves school readiness.

Learn More

Join the Network

We welcome providers, community partners, and all who are interested in learning more about Help Me Grow Washington and who support building an organized system of community resources to help children grow up healthy.