Call a Help Me Grow Washington Hotline

We’re here to help. Call us to connect with a friendly, knowledgeable Family Resource Navigator who can help you understand and apply for a variety of resources. Help Me Grow services are free and available to anyone in Washington state.

Skagit County
Central Washington

Do you, or does someone you know, need support in these areas? We can help.

  • Nutrition resources, such as Basic Food (SNAP), or food stamps; the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) nutrition program; and food banks
  • ORCA LIFT or reduced transit fare on select regional transit systems throughout the Puget Sound area
  • Basic needs support, such as housing and utility assistance
  • Free or low-cost health insurance, including Medicaid (Apple Health) and Qualified Health Plans through the state’s marketplace
  • Connection to community health centers and free or low-cost vaccinations
  • Child development screenings and early learning resources
  • Early intervention services for infants and toddlers
  • Prenatal care, birth services, and baby supplies
  • Parent and caregiver resources, such as child care, clothing, at-home support, and support groups
  • Mental and behavioral health resources
  • Support for children with special health care and developmental needs

We can serve you in your language.

We have bilingual and bicultural staff who speak Spanish. Other languages are served using interpreters via the AT&T Language Line. Our specialists have no quotas or time limits, so we can talk as long as you like to connect you to the services you need. As well, we can screen you and start applications over the phone, or provide you with information and a quick referral – it’s up to you!

We are here for providers and community partners, too!

Is there a child, parent, or caregiver you serve who could benefit from our services? Refer them to the Help Me Grow Washington Hotline and our expert specialists can help your client understand eligibility guidelines for state-sponsored health insurance or nutrition programs, how to apply for benefits, and where to access services. Our specialists can screen for eligibility, start a benefits application over the phone, and email or text local resources.

Learn more about referrals to Help Me Grow

Finding the right help is hard. We make it easier.

With our ParentHelp123 Resource Finder, you can search for basic needs, health, child development, and parenting resources that are close to home, and are the best fit for you and your family.