Want to learn more about your child’s development?

Developmental screenings are activity-based questionnaires that can be completed by the person who knows your child best – youThese screenings will ask you age-specific questions about your child’s development and activities that your child can do. The results give you a point-in-time snapshot of your child’s development and are a great way to make sure that your infant, toddler, or preschooler is healthy and ready to learn and grow. Routine developmental screenings are good for all children between birth and age 6. 

We can suggest activities to support your child’s growth at home and in the community or, if your child needs extra support, we can connect you to resources and specialists who can help.

Take a Screening

Take the free Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) to discover the skills your child is learning and ways to support their growth.

Start a screening

Comience un cuestionario

Interested in learning more about behaviors such as tantrums and sharing? Take the ASQ about social and emotional skills.

Start a social-emotional screening

Comience un cuestionario socioemocional

What to Expect

Based on your child’s age, you will be asked about your child’s ability to complete certain activities, such as “Can your child stand on one foot?” After you submit your answers online, our Family Resource Navigators will score the ASQ and contact you with results within one week. We will offer suggestions for games and activities to do with your child to practice emerging skills. We will send another screen every 3 to 6 months, so you can continue to learn about and support your child’s growth. Learn more in our blog.

The ASQ does not diagnose a delay or disability, and is not meant to replace a health check-up with your child’s doctor. However, it may show if there is a need for further evaluation. We can support you with additional services and resources.

Questions or concerns?
Call the Help Me Grow Washington Hotline at 1-800-322-2588.

Milestones matter! You can easily track your child’s early developmental milestones with a free app, so you can make sure they are on the right track.

Learn More